Building a Legacy of Support

In 1798, President John Adams signed into law the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen. It was the seed which grew into today’s Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service.

Members of the John Adams Society decided to plant their own seeds and support the PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health. They chose to bequeath funds to the Foundation in their wills and trusts. You can join the John Adams Society.

Group of people holding a US Public Health Service Flag flag


Include the Foundation in your will or trust and we will add you to the elite and honorable John Adams Society. Here is sample language. Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose. Include a specific amount or percentage of your estate.


The Foundation will continue to advance public health and support the Commissioned Corps into the next 125 years. I encourage you to speak with your loved ones and consider including the Foundation in your estate planning.”
– Captain Gene Migliaccio, USPHS, Ret.

The Corps and COA have been major factors in my career professional and personal life for more than fifty years. My wife and I support the COF on a regular basis because of the significant role and importance the Corps, COA, and the Music Ensemble have played in enriching my life. We extended our support by making an estate gift to the COF.”
​- Captain John J. Bartko, USPHS, Ret.

To learn more about planned giving or the John Adams Society please use the form below.